Global Sharing

ProInteract creates a unique platform where all your digital marketing collaterals all centrally stored with uniformity in messaging and adhering to compliance and localization for various regional markets. It enables your field sales team to share your content globally retaining the uniqueness of messaging in a localized format

ProInteract helps in keeping your customers engaged and loyal to securing their repeat business. This eDetailing tool helps in providing new insights into its customers preferences, giving a head start on marketing campaigns for efficient customer engagement and collaboration.

Share/Share Now: Enables your field sales team to share multiple digital content with your customers

Email Queue: Queues up the email for lateral correspondence

Feedback Forms: Customizable feedback form to seek your customer’s review on the products/services being sold to.

Trial / Evaluation Cards: Enables your team to share Trial/ Evaluation Cards for your customer to get the first glimpse of the product to evaluate its performance and value.

Your Competitive Edge


Share your digital media assets (videos, PDFs, etc.) with your customers while having the interactive conversations.


Your field sales and marketing team to queue up your digital marketing asset to share with your client a later time.


Flexibility of instantly sharing your digital marketing assets on the fly.


Track email read-receipts with our insight-analytics metrics.


Virtua meetings enablement helps your field sales team to have customer engagement remotely across the globe.



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